Where is Our Power to Heal? Words of Wisdom from Janna
Image by Zac Durant, Unsplash.
Where is Our Power to Heal?
In my view, election time is nerve racking. Here in the US, it is difficult to navigate all the ads, all the negativity, all the divisiveness. All these thoughts, political ads, social media presence pulls us out of balance. There is political and economic turmoil around the world, like in Brazil and the UK. Ongoing war in Ukraine.
Lately I’ve been reviewing literature for EMS Energy Therapy 2B coursework and have been listening to audio archives of Janna Moll talking with Shelly Francis for a book project. Of course, I found some wonderful nuggets that helped put things in perspective for me and I wanted to share.
We’ve put a powerful 7-minute excerpt of Janna’s voice with images and posted it on the EMS YouTube channel for you, titled The Power to Heal. The full transcript is below.
Words of Wisdom from Janna Moll:
Where’s our power to heal? Where is our life force? This is our life force right here, the heart. This is our life force. Why? Because from that point upward, we exist no matter what. We exist in the spirit from the heart upward, no matter if we’re in a physical body on earth or elsewhere. And so the heart is hurting. The heart is saying, "I can’t survive on that planet." My lower three chakras, they’re not getting what they need, so my heart is hurting.
What I’ve said about being grounded is how we access this level of power that we don’t have any other way. That’s why we have to do it in the physical. We cannot vacate, we cannot cut and run. We have to access our power to create an environment we want, that’s supportive of life we want.
Here’s something that’s happened, I’ll just relate it to what’s going on right now on the planet. We have all these people. Really, really upset about what our government is doing or not doing. Feeling hopeless and feeling like everything has gone wrong. Everything they believe in is being dissolved. They don’t know what the future will be. We have people not having children because they don’t know what planet their kids are going to have. People are very upset about this. It’s easy to get caught up in it. It’s very easy to get caught up in it.
Well, in a meditation, I was like, “What the hell? What is going on here?” We’ve had the Harmonic Convergence where we all have supposedly been polled and said, “Yes, we want more consciousness on the planet.”
We’ve had the ‘60s. We’ve woken up a generation, right? Then we all promptly went back to sleep again. Now we’re in all of this chaos and we seem to be fighting the same lessons. Women’s Rights, against prejudice, against all of this stuff.
I said, “Why? What is going on?” Spirit said to me, “You cannot heal what is hidden. You cannot heal what is hidden, what is in the dark. And the only way to heal it is to bring it out into the light of day.”
And if Trump has done anything, he has certainly brought out into the light of day all of those things we thought were gone. We thought prejudism was gone, we thought sexism was gone, we thought that corporate greed was gone with the bank failures a few years ago.
We thought this stuff was gone and Spirit said, “Really? Really, you’re on a free will planet. You really think this stuff has disappeared?”
It’s being used to wake us up. Spirit says, “We’ve got this.”
I have to sit back and say, “There’s part of me that knows the plan. There is part of me that is working the plan that I don’t have access to and I’m going to have to trust.” Because this part of me is not the part in charge and that’s what I think we get caught up in—in the chakra system is we get caught up in where the blockages are.
Where our issues are really dense and when our dense issues especially in solar plexus start rearing their ugly head, it’s like, “I should be in charge. I’ve got to change this. I’ve got to fight this. I’ve got to make this disappear. I’ve got to work with this somehow.”
We over empower this physical part of us with qualities that are not ours to control and we have to step back and say, “I’m a conduit. I can be the clearest I can be. I can align with awareness, with truth.”
We cannot hide our head in the sand because we are anchored on this planet and we contribute to the overall energy. Every person that stands awake on this planet helps wake up someone asleep, but our planet is dying, our society is dying and when we look around, we can’t ignore that.
We’re probably not the smartest beings on this planet, but we’re certainly the ones with the biggest capacity to destroy everyone and we seem to be doing it as quickly as we can.
If we don’t wake up in this process, we know where it’s going. We know where it’s going and if other beings show up to save us from ourselves, we’ve got some really tough lessons coming.
For each of us that stands awake on the planet, we create more potential for life on this planet, but we have to wake up and we’re not in charge. It gives me some peace to know that it’s not on my shoulders to save this planet and yet I can do my part.
That’s the thing where we have to balance between my truth has to be everybody’s truth or my truth and what I can step into is contributing to the whole and I think we have to go that way.
We have to see that what we can do contributes to the whole. Otherwise, we tend to feel really powerless. We feel hopeless because I may be recycling my ass off, but my neighbor is like spraying Roundup on his yard. How is it that I’m going to feel that I’m doing my part when I see him destroying everything I do.
Every person does their part in their own way. The point is that you have to wake up and do your part. We can’t stick our head in the sand.
We have to be part of community and I think the code word for this year or these few years is community. We need to build community. We need to be part of a community.
We can’t be community by building walls and separating ourselves from other people that have lessons that are ours. Because it’s a free will planet, all those lessons count. We need to branch out.
Who was it that said ... I’m trying to remember. Was it Mark Twain or somebody said that, “To combat ignorance, you must travel.” You have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to meet other people.
You have to see that you’re not alone in this process. We’re not alone in this process. We’re all doing the same things energetically.
This excerpt was part of Janna Moll’s keynote presentation prepared for the Australian Healing Touch Program Association Conference in September 2022. We will be posting the entire presentation online in the coming months.
A New Year’s Gift to Yourself - Energy Therapy 2A in January
Friday, January 6, 2023 to Sunday, Jan 8, 2023
in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
Deepen your EMS educational journey towards self-discovery. ET 2A covers pendulum assessments, distance healing, more thorough documentation, use of techniques, full body and spot techniques. Techniques for headaches and pain and emotional clearing. Immune boost and energy boost techniques and ET practitioner development.
Prerequisites: Energy Therapy 1 (with a certificate of completion). Take ET1 online now.
Register online before 12/20/22.
3 Guided Meditations from Janna
A new playlist on YouTube: We’ve collected three special meditations by Janna Moll for you, with beautiful artwork by Kearsty Bogenrief. Each is about six minutes: Grounding, Centering, Your Special Place.
We hope to see you soon in a class—check the online calendar for the schedule. The EMS team is growing quickly and we hope to schedule more classes soon. If you have a group of 10 or more students in your local community, let me know if you’d like to hold a class in your area.
Cindy Parsons, RN, BSN, MS-HCA, SEM
Peace and Joy,
Cindy Parsons, RN, BSN, MS-HCA, SEM
Lead Instructor and Mentor
(Read more about Cindy here).